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Oh what can I say about Maggy? First…she lights up everything she’s around and her energy and positive vibes are contagious. Maggy is a go with the flow gal and it was never more evident than when I suddenly had an opening and she only had three days notice to get everything together for her session. She had one major request and that was to use her grandfather’s truck in her session. Unfortunately, the night we were to use it…it wouldn’t start so we went with Plan B and captured those photos the next night after towing it uptown. TOTALLY worth it though as they ended up being some of my favorite ones. Maggy is loud, bubbly and God-fearing. Her passions include music and Cosmetology. She is currently in Cosmetology School. Maggy has a sweet tooth and her favorite snack is Sweet tarts. The one thing she is most scared of is not succeeding at something she works hard and puts effort towards. Favorite school subject is either English or Weights and activity is cheer or pep-club. Maggy enjoys hanging out with friends and going to get teas from Raise the Bar in Hesston with her bestie, Emily. Music interests are varied…country, Christian pop, hip hop, pop, metal and Disney. As mentioned before…Maggy is in Cosmetology School and she wants to get her business degree from Hutch CC. Maggy’s dream is to travel the world to help others in need and make a positive difference while sharing the gospel. Greece is a preferred destination. One thing people don’t know about her is that Maggy is obsessed with trying new things and meeting new people. A last request from Maggy was to get a photo with her Mom. They obviously have a very close relationship. Thanks, Maggy, for being so willing to jump right in and get your pictures taken early. From the carousel to flowers to getting something pink and all the pastels and finally the truck. It was fun working and getting to know you. BTW…Maggy makes killer no bake cookies, I can attest to this one.

©2024 Pam Weaver Photography