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Logan wasn’t terribly excited about taking senior pictures but did so extremely well. I loved the fact that we used several things that are important to him including a plane, his truck and hunting with a bow and shotgun. Logan will be a Hesston High graduate in May. He is a very hardworker, creative, energetic and funny. I really enjoyed teasing him a bit. Passions and interests include hunting, fishing, wrestling and machining. Favorite snack is Pizza. Logan isn’t crazy about English but does like Math and Robotics. In his spare time, Logan likes to drive (and probably do donuts in his truck). Country is on his playlist. Logan’s future plans include working in an hands-on field like machining or engineering. He really likes to tinker with engines. On Logan’s bucket list is to pass English, graduate and drive a race car. He is currently learning to fly and will solo soon. Super Strength would be his super power choice. As a “payback” for taking his pictures, I agreed to capture him doing donuts in his truck which we captured at the end of the session. Good luck with English, Logan! And with all your future plans. Enjoy your senior year.

©2024 Pam Weaver Photography