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Kendall has a lot of interests and we were able to capture at least some of them at her warm session. Kendall is a Christian, passionate and optimistic. Her passions/interests include God, mental health, weightlifting, choir/forensics, rollerblading and hiking. Some of her favorites include Xtra Cheddar Goldfish, Math and Forensics. She enjoys weightlifting at the YMCA, rollerblading in her neighborhood and at the roller rink and hanging out with friends. Lots of different music is on her playlist…NF, alternative, hardrock, pop and country. Currently, Kendall is leaning towards MNU for kinesiology to become an athletic trainer but she is still exploring options. You can find Kendall on the sidelines at football games as she helps manage the team. On Kendall’s bucket list includes reading the Bible from start to finish, get a 500lb 3-weight total, hike Pike’s Peak and join a rock climbing gym. Greece would be Kendall’s travel destination. Kendall doesn’t like to miss out on anything and is very passionate about helping others with mental health issues. If she could have a superpower, it would be the ability to calm others. Thanks, Kendall for choosing a very individual and meaningful session. Good luck with all your future plans.

©2024 Pam Weaver Photography