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Baseball is what Kael lives and breathes so naturally we had to capture his passion at his senior session. Kael is easy-going, quiet and calm. We were able to coax several smiles from him but he’s normally a pretty serious guy. Future plans are to attend college but deciding on a major is still in the works. Some of Kael’s favorites include: trail mix, rap and some country and science as a school subject. On Kael’s bucket list is to go to every MLB stadium and especially Fenway Park. Kael is a homebody and an introvert. But talk about baseball and he lights up. I really enjoyed capturing those pictures for him. One thing people don’t know about Kael is that he dislikes swimming but does like playing video games and spending time with friends. Kael’s superpower choice would be teleportation. Thanks Kael, for letting me capture these for you. Best of luck as you continue your career and your senior year.

©2024 Pam Weaver Photography