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Justin is a multi-faceted, All-American Kansas senior. He requested his family farm as his primary location and we used other family property for the rest. Justin will be the President of the FFA this coming year for Goessel and enjoys farming, mechanics, hunting, fishing and riding his dirt bike/four wheeler. He also has written poetry and maintains a 4.0 GPA. Justin is ambitious, adventurous, reliable and resourceful. An entrepreneur, he enjoys buying and reselling items/vehicles on Facebook Marketplace for a profit. But don’t try to sell or give this guy poorly manufactured Chinese automotive parts. Beef Jerky is his favorite snack. You will find Country playing on is radio. Future plans include going to Hutch CC to get a degree in Ag Diesel Mechanics and have a career on the Family Farm. The degree will come in handy…check out the machinery they maintain! And yes…John Deere Green runs through their blood. 🙂 On Justin’s bucket list is to deep-sea fish, elk hunt and to visit the White House. If he could, Justin would travel to the sand dunes in Glamis, California. Time travel would be his superpower. Justin’s dog Molly joined us for a few pictures as his impressive flatbed truck also made an appearance.

©2024 Pam Weaver Photography