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With the lack of rain, the waterfall wasn’t flowing as much as we hoped but wow…Gillian still knocked it way out of the park with her senior session. First, this girl is gorgeous inside and out and her fit choices were absolutely dead on. Lots of laughs at this session as we navigated a waterfall, an old gas station and the heat at the prairie. I’ve taken photos at the waterfall before but this time we saw different rock formations etc since the water was low. It was still flowing though and COLD. Felt great. Well…maybe a little chilly for Gillian when she laid in it but such a trooper.

Gillian is outgoing, dedicated and witty. She also has the biggest and best smile. Gillian is passionate about Cosmetology and plans to pursue it after attending KU for a business degree with the goal of opening her own salon. Her favorite snack is apples with peanut butter, school subject is Math and activity is Cheerleading. In her spare time, Gillian enjoys watching the sunset with friends. On her playlist is LOTS of Harry Styles. If she could, Gillian would travel to see the 7 wonders of the world and also the Maldives. Time Travel would be her superpower choice. The one thing she doesn’t like are bugs. This extrovert doesn’t need time alone…she could be around people forever and has so much energy. Another thing people may not know is that she and I are related so it made her session just that more special for me as we tried to capture all the things she dreamed of. Hopefully we got close. Gillian…it was truly a great time working with you and your family at your shoot. Time just went super fast. Enjoy your senior year…it will also go fast.

©2024 Pam Weaver Photography