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I keep saying it but the 2023 Seniors have just been amazing and Anna’s session was no exception. Her choice of “fits” were spot on and we were able to squeeze in a LOT in her session. Anna is conscientious, compassionate and competitive. She is a three-sport athlete participating in Volleyball, Basketball and Track, including medaling at State in Track. Her first love is Basketball though. Anna enjoys working out and being active, helping people and enjoying the outdoors but no snakes please. Cool Ranch Doritos are her go-to snack. Science is her favorite subject with Basketball as her favorite activity. In her spare time, she loves playing with her dog, going to the gym to shoot basketball and spending time with family and friends. Country music is on her playlist. Anna is undecided on college but will probably pursue either speech pathology or nursing. Bucket list items include traveling to Bora Bora, hiking ten 14,000 foot mountains and running a marathon. She also has a big dream of owning a pet monkey someday. Super power choice would be the ability to fly. Anna…you were absolutely stunning. I’m looking forward to capturing you more this year in sports but enjoy the rest of your summer.

©2024 Pam Weaver Photography